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Monday – Friday: 9am – 5pm




The story of Thanksgiving starts on the 6th September 1620, when a small ship called the Mayflower left Plymouth, England. It carried 102 passengers who were eager to start a brand new life in the New World, America. The journey was treacherous and uncomfortable and many pilgrims died. The crossing lasted 66 days until the… Continue Reading 🢂

Functional and fun For most adults mirrors are for helping us apply make-up or to shave. We may stand near one in a morning whilst we wash our face or brush our teeth. They are functional useful items of equipment we have around our home. But for children, mirrors have an element of magic! This… Continue Reading 🢂

Who shall I be today?

12 November 2015

Role play is a fundamental part of children’s development. Whilst they are having fun dressing up and getting into character they are learning social skills, growing in confidence, self- esteem and self-expression. Role play is so important in a child’s early year’s development that many primary schools and nurseries have a dedicated role play area…. Continue Reading 🢂

Music forms an intrinsic part of human culture. It is all around us: on the television, in theatre, cinemas and movies. It is present in worship and celebrations, military ceremonies, it keeps us company on the drive to work courtesy of the car radio or CD player and even during our holidays when our favourite… Continue Reading 🢂

We will remember them

11 November 2015

The 11th November, is Remembrance Day, also known as Armistice Day. It marks the day World War One ended, at 11am on the 11th day of the 11th month, back in 1918. A two minute silence is held at 11am to remember the people who have died in wars. The first two minute silence in Britain… Continue Reading 🢂

A Pro-active Curriculum Physical inactivity in children is a much discussed topic currently, and the pressure on schools to provide an active curriculum has never been higher. The physical risks associated with obesity are well documented, and we all know that physical exercise increases oxygen to our heart, muscles and brain, giving us more energy… Continue Reading 🢂

November is here!

5 November 2015

November is the first month of dark nights from the clocks having gone back. Leaves still crunch underfoot, the sun hangs low in the sky and early mornings bring mist and fog. It’s a month seemingly full of constant rain, shoes are wet, umbrellas are lost, windows steam up and classrooms and nurseries house damp… Continue Reading 🢂

Each year in Great Britain on November 5th we celebrate Bonfire Night. It is seen as a fun celebration on a dark autumn night when we watch fireworks around a bonfire and have special treats with family, friends and neighbours. However, it all started in 1605 when a group of men who were dissatisfied with… Continue Reading 🢂

White Hall Academy opened its doors in September 2012. Part of the Learning Pathways Trust their main focus is to develop high academic standards and their school motto was born out of Olympic inspiration ‘Excellence, Determination, Friendship’. As an existing customer, Donna Phillips, Admin Manager of ‘Little Stars Nursery’ which is affiliated to White Hall… Continue Reading 🢂

When we think of kids dens we are invariably taken back to our own childhood. Dens assembled on the spur of the moment by a blanket pinned across the front porch or makeshift boxes and duvet covers thrown together at the bottom of the garden. Whatever the den was made from, and wherever it was,… Continue Reading 🢂