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Treasure Baskets
Our Treasure Baskets are packed with a diverse variety of hand-picked objects. These attractive, open-ended resources can be played with in limitless ways to stimulate creativity. Treasure baskets promote a natural desire in young children to reach out, touch and explore. Their curious minds will experience the different contrasts and textures these sets have to offer. The contents can be sorted into similar colours or textures. For slightly older children they can serve as a springboard for discussion. You can talk about where some of the contents may have come from, or what they may be used for.
Treasure baskets offer a range of direct hands on sensory experiences. They are a simple yet fun way of enriching the early experiences of children. They are both are ethical and environmentally friendly resources. Your children will develop concentration, creativity, imagination, language, numeracy skills and physical development as they investigate. These baskets are brimming with wondrous resources for your children to enjoy.