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Vehicles and Transport
Our Vehicle and Transport range is certain to appeal to all youngsters. We have items that are suitable even for the youngest learners all the way through the Early Years stages.
Children love to be immersed in small world play. This range of play garages and cars supports EYFS. It provides children with the opportunity to explore and share their thoughts through a variety of means. In addition, this helps them to understand their community and the world around them.
Our transport sets are perfect for solo play or for working with others. When working alongside their friends, youngsters learn how develop their social and communication skills. They appreciate the value of negotiation. They learn how to reach a positive conclusion where both they and their friends are happy. These are all crucial development milestones in early years which serve well in later life.
Playing with cars and trucks is more than just a game. Their fine motor skills are engaged as they drive their vehicles up ramps and through gaps. There is such a lot going on as youngsters play that they are driving a car, truck or taking a vehicle to a garage.
Whichever of our sets you find appealing, it is built to last and sure to see many happy hours of play with your children.