Keep your classroom or daycare clutter-free with a cloakroom trolley.
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Mobile School Cloakroom Trolleys for an organised classroom
Cloakroom trolleys are an essential furniture item for the classroom or childcare environment.
With easy to reach hooks your children can independently put away their own coats and jackets. A cloakroom trolley with storage also provides space for young learners to keep their other essentials such as PE or book bags.
A trolley on wheels for your classroom means you can utilise the coat storage in the most opportune location. You can keep it near the door or at the back of the classroom. Alternatively you can store it when not in use.
Mobile Children’s Cloakroom Trolley Teaches Independence.
When children know where to put away and take care of their belongings they are learning to be self sufficient. In addition you are also creating a cleaner and safer learning environment. With everything stored accordingly the days of trip hazards will be gone!
Teaching children to take responsibility for their coats and bags is one of the first steps a child faces towards independence in a classroom setting.
As such, they are an essential item for daycare and nurseries for both tidiness and as a teaching tool.
These trolleys are part of the Cloakroom Furniture Range