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Monday – Friday: 9am – 5pm



Lap Boards

Showing all 5 results

Counting Dry Erase Boards – Pk 30

Product Code: MD62009
£39.99 Ex. VAT £47.99 Inc. VAT

Graph Dry Erase Boards – Pk 30

Product Code: MD62010
£39.99 Ex. VAT £47.99 Inc. VAT

Place Value Class Pack

Product Code: MD62013
£85.95 Ex. VAT £103.14 Inc. VAT

Pupil Multiplication Dry Erase Boards – Pk 30

Product Code: MD62008
£39.99 Ex. VAT £47.99 Inc. VAT

Time Dry Erase Boards – Pk 30

Product Code: MD62012
£39.99 Ex. VAT £47.99 Inc. VAT

Lap Boards

Our range of lap boards are specifically designed for the maths curriculum.  They are a fantastic teaching aid which will help in all sorts of situations.  Your children can use these boards time and time again.  They will help to reduce waste as you will no longer need to print out similar pages.

Lapboards are a wonderful way for your youngsters to work independently and with confidence.  They present the opportunity for a less confident child to discreetly put their answer.  When a child has their own lapboard they have a sense of ownership and are able to work out answers without fear of being wrong.  They also present teachers with a way to glance and see if a child is struggling without drawing attention.

When children share a lap board they work collaboratively.  They can huddle as a team and work together to come up with a successful answer.

Our boards aid counting, place value, graphs and time.