School Room Dividers
School Room Dividers are useful piece of classroom or nursery equipment. This is because they allow space to be divided into separate areas. This allows each area to perform its own unique function. For example, a dressing up area, an area for quiet floor play, or even a reading area. Each zone is created with a room divider. With space at a premium, dividing a room allows you to utilise your space to its maximum.
Room divider benefits include:
- allows you to divide up the floor space
- children have different, dedicated areas
- quiet zones for reading are created
- provides children with the opportunity to be alone
Room dividers do more than divide up a room. This is because they allow one single room to perform many different functions. They create areas within a classroom or nursery where children can play. Or they can read or sleep in a nursery setting when they get tired.
This range focuses on mobile partitioning and static screens. Both these designs enable the surfaces to be used as noticeboards. Because some room dividers are mobile they can be introduced and removed as required.
We do also have a range of nursery room dividers. These are designed specifically for the younger environment, for example the infant classroom or nursery.