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School Book Storage

School Book Storage

School book storage is essential because books are intrinsic to a child’s education. Children enjoy choosing a book to read. Children can escape into a book whether it is an encyclopedia, world atlas or a piece of magical fiction.  They will find their imagination captured by a good book.

Children of all ages will escape the day to day and imagine themselves as a warrior, princess or historical character.  The choice is theirs.

Books are also educational helping a child with reading and literacy. Reference books aid general knowledge and dictionaries are essential for spelling and grammar.

It is important therefore that books are housed safely yet at the same time are accessible. Children throw themselves into a book and loose themselves within its pages.  Even as a teacher reads to the class and asks questions, the book has exactly the same magical effect.  Children carry their book bag home and continue reading after school.

Book Storage Solutions

Accessible book storage supports children because it helps them to choose their book.  There is a range of different designs and configurations. For example, there is the fun and colourful character shelving. Library furniture and trolleys provide more formal library furniture.

Many of the school book storage solutions are mobile. This allows a choice of books to be transported easily between classrooms. The children choose the book they want from the selection on offer. These solid, robust pieces of furniture include kinder boxes, character book shelves and library trolley’s.

Kinderboxes are particularly resourceful because they present the books facing forwards. Children pick up a book because they see the whole book, not just the spine.

These products have been chosen for their robust, high-quality design, their great value and their suitability for purpose.