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Monday – Friday: 9am – 5pm



Stimulate the senses with sensory play

The Famous Five

Sensory toys provide a wealth of learning opportunities for children of all ages. As the name suggests, they allow children to explore their five famous main senses of sight, sound, taste, touch and smell in ways which will enthral and delight. Sensory play stimulates all these senses, sending signals to children’s brains that help to strengthen neural pathways important for all types of learning.

A lot of learning can occur while children are doing what they do best – playing and exploring! It is important then that there is always an interesting mix of sensory experiences available for infants and toddlers that cater for a spectrum of different needs. Sensory toys come in a diverse array of forms. From wooden activity boards right through to threading toys, sensory toys allow children to explore their potential and capabilities at the same time as making sense of the world in which they live.

What’s the sense of it?

Sensory toys excite and inspire children. They are often exciting, inspiring, appealing, eye catching and attention grabbing. They can help promote cooperative play or encourage a child to play happily by themselves. Toys such as liquid timers have a dual purpose in that they can begin to teach young children the earliest concepts of chemistry as they watch the oil based gel move through the water. Special needs toys, which can be of huge benefit to all children can provide hours of fun. Whether they are rolling a roly poly drum along the floor watching it move and listening to the tinkle of the bells inside it or understanding how the flip fingers work, children take great delight in playing with toys such as these.

Sensory walls and sensory tiles make what can be dull, plain floors and walls fun and can create yet another learning environment within the classroom, maximising the space available for learning.

Let’s light the way!

No sensory toy collection would be complete without sensory lights. Glow in the dark toys also have an air of magic and wonder about them. The fluorescent drums and mirror chimeabouts provide auditory, visual and tactile stimulation for children of all ages. Bubble tubes, sensory lights, infinity mirrors and line lite mirrors are ideal for use in a multi-sensory room, but in any classroom or nursery where they provide a mesmerising visual display for children enjoying a break from their more structured, formal learning.

Sensory play centres encourages children to develop touch, motor skills, hand to eye coordination and manual dexterity. As they climb up the indoor tree house, or explore the mysteries at the top of the sea play loft, or play with the abacus, bead coaster, gear game, clock, beads and mirror of the multi activity rocket, children will be inspired to learn and explore the wonders of any of these sensory play centres. Treasure baskets are a firm favourite and our range contains a wide range of hand-picked, sensory rich resources.

“Play is the highest form of research” – Albert Einstein

So whatever the age or ability of the child, sensory toys help provide an engaging, stimulating and inclusive learning environment, encouraging children to explore and discover.

Originally written 19 February 2016