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Playing House in the Home Corner


Building Blocks

Long before your children grapple with gravity, before they collide with chemistry or battle with biology, they’ll need to learn core social skills that will go on to benefit them throughout their adult life. Seeing as this is such an integral part of their development, not just academically but as a person, the team at Edusentials have developed a series of blogs focussed on the central theme of social learning through play. Today’s blog will look at learning to grasp interactions in the home through our range of role play items; subsequent articles will follow your children as they experience the wider world, travelling to town and developing an appreciation for nature.

A Home from Home

It’s commonly accepted that children acquire traditional notions of gender and household roles through repetition and parental reinforcement, however these theories don’t account for what they might see or hear in books, TV programmes and the wider media. The truth is, however, that today’s family has diversified into more than just the conventional ‘nuclear family’, and as part of their on-going social education, children should learn to understand that there are different types of family and roles are often not gender specific. Our range of outdoor role playing equipment allows children to explore and replicate the household setting as they see fit. Available in a gender-neutral colour scheme, our outdoor play kitchen items encourage all children to get involved with every day activities like doing the dishes, or even mucking in with the laundry. Through the medium of play, they encourage the development of a variety of attributes such as teamwork, cooperation and collaboration.

Strong Foundations

In many respects, your child’s social development will be the most important aspect of their education, specifically at the pre-school and nursery stage. Social development through role play and imitation is widely recognised as an effective method of challenging or reinforcing social models and conventions, and should be looked to as an integral part of your child’s on-going learning process. Browse through our range of outdoor role playing items today, and see how we can help to make social learning a more enjoyable, interactive experience for all. Remember to check back to our blog regularly over the next few days to catch the following entries in our series on social play.

Originally written 6 October 2015