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Early Learning & Nursery Supplies: Education Before School

A Lot to Learn

The existence of the EYFS statutory framework stresses how important the curriculum is in the nursery and pre-school stages and sets the standards for the learning, development and care of babies and children up to school age which is vital to your child’s ongoing development. It’s during their time in nursery they’ll learn to socialise, share and cooperate; they’ll make friends and have fallings out; they’ll even start to expand their vocabulary. As a care-giver, you’ll naturally want to help them along this journey, giving them the best head start they can get before they set foot on the daunting adventure of primary school. Well, in our latest blog, we’re going to look at how you can use school supplies and early learning aids to do just that.

Mixed Emotions

Introducing children to new concepts, scenarios and environments through play is a great way to encourage them to learn about them, an ethos that extends throughout our range of nursery supplies. Our range of Make-A-Face puppets are an excellent way to start teaching kids about complex things like emotions and feelings, offering a visual reference point to anchor lessons in their mind. The faces are naturally welcoming and fun, increasing young children’s desire to learn and interact with them. Complimenting this, we’ve got a wide variety of nursery puppets and theatres, designed not only to help teach children about new situations and people, but also to encourage their own imaginative creations. Our playschool theatres mimic common scenarios like the everyday shopping environment, allowing children to act out mock exchanges and helping them to learn how things work out in the big wide world.

Time Off

Of course, children are always going to need time to just switch off and play – an important aspect of their pre-school day that will allow them to recharge and build relationships. At Edusentials, we offer a veritable plethora of different pre-school and early learning toys, from role play toys and sandpits right through to pop-up play sets. These ranges are so-designed to ensure your nursery is a place of choice and variety, to make sure your children always have a new way to grow, develop and learn. The vast majority of our early year’s school supplies also prioritise interactivity and engagement, understanding that children in the pre-school stages of education require close attention to develop to their full potential.

Time Well Spent

Before they enter mainstream school, the early years of a child’s education are perhaps some of the most important they’ll undergo; the social and interactive skills they forge here will go on to benefit them in a multitude of ways throughout their adult lives. Early learning aids and nursery supplies are a fantastic way to shepherd, and indeed encourage this development, and are a powerful method of giving children and students a positive head start in life. If you’ve found this blog entry helpful, why not tell us how you utilise innovative nursery supplies to help your children develop?

Originally written 17 October 2015