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Primary Drums
Primary Drums are a perfect instrument for children to play together as they discover their inner rhythm. As soon as they find a beat, they will feel excited and keen to join in.
Music can help a child’s mental development as music stimulates the same part of the brain used for reading, maths and emotional development. In older children music can also teach discipline, vital for learning and studying in later life.
Drums provide an easy way for your class to work together and make a rhythm. They are also a wonderful way for a shy child to come out of their shell and improve their confidence. Most children can beat in time and when they succeed it will provide a sense of pride. Moreover, as their confidence improves they can introduce more complicated rhythms. This is the perfect way to facilitate creativity.
They can investigate and explore how different forces supply different sounds. They will even find out how hitting different parts of the drum affects the end result.
Drumming and feeling rhythm can be extremely therapeutic and provide a wonderful sense of well being. Why not let them pick up one of these drums and start banging out a rhythm?