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Baby Ride on Toys – And they’re off!!

There is nothing more nostalgic than watching children play on a baby ride-on toy. The vast majority of us have memories of learning to ride a bike and the thrill when the day finally dawned for the stabilisers to be removed. Today’s young children share the same joy and excitement we did when we were their age. Now as then, a .

It’s essential for toddlers and young children to be able to balance as they learn to walk and run. Baby ride-on toys build these gross motor skills by encouraging the use of large muscle groups. When children climb on and off their baby ride-on toy, they need to balance themselves to avoid falling. Once seated, they begin to engage their leg muscles to push themselves along or move the pedals. Rocking toys such as our police car rocking toy, fire engine rocking toy and pet rescue rocking toy also require leg muscles to help power the rocking toy back and forth. Baby ride on toys also encourage fine motor skills to come into play. Manipulating steering wheels or handlebars like with the wiggle car or zoomster bunny, requires children to use smaller muscles and teaches coordination between the hands, arms, legs, and feet.

As children learn to coordinate the different movement’s necessary to power their baby ride-on toys, they gain confidence in their own abilities. Moving on from toys that they push with their feet to one with pedals, changing from tricycles to bicycles, or graduating to bikes without stabilisers are all milestones in which children can take pride.

Baby ride-on toys come in a variety of designs, with bright colours and child-friendly styles. It’s easy to see how these toys can help stimulate a child’s imagination. Children can pretend to be a policeman on the zoomster police car as they zoom about the nursery or playground chasing after ‘baddies’. Or they can imagine that the ride-on ladybird or ride on bumblebee are real, opening the door for games about wildlife, flight and nature. The zoomster racer and the zoomster truck become racing cars, allowing children to imagine themselves racing down the track towards the finish line.

Children like to imagine that they’re grown-ups, and baby ride-on toys give them the opportunity to pretend that they’re going on trips or doing simple errands like driving to the shops. Inventing games and engaging in pretend play builds important creative thinking skills that can be used for problem-solving throughout childhood and into adult life.

Children of all ages can benefit from playing with ride-on toys. Whether alone or in a group, children get the chance to exercise important muscle groups and improve creative thinking skills. Whatever the age or skill level, there’s a ride-on toy for every child. Click here to view our full range.

Originally written 6 July 2016