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Monday – Friday: 9am – 5pm




By now schools and nurseries have truly got back into their stride after the Christmas break. The tree and its decorations have been stored safely for another year. Whilst the February half term lurks just around the corner, at this time of year schools are industrious with focussed learning. Many schools hold a parents evening… Continue Reading 🢂


Succumbing to a nightmare of classroom clutter? Check out the following steps for a safer, more productive learning environment! Tidy classroom – tidy mind! As well as creating health and safety hazards, undue clutter can bombard younger children with stimuli, affecting their concentration and ability to learn. If in doubt, keep it clutter-free. Organise bookcases… Continue Reading 🢂

Getting Creative To see the pride on a child’s face as they place their creation on an art drying rack is truly heart warming! Children love art and craft time!  It is an opportunity for them to take a break from more structured learning to let loose with their imagination and individual flair. Creative lessons… Continue Reading 🢂

As adults, we take what we can do with our hands for granted and use them effortlessly. Yet very young children need to be encouraged and taught how to use their hands. All hands to the deck Manipulative Toys are essential to early childhood play experiences.  Manipulative Toys build skills such as gross and fine… Continue Reading 🢂

A Problem Folded… The modern school is very much expected to be a dynamic learning environment; a dining hall might be a place to eat one minute, and a Physical Education space the next, a classroom might go from being a quiet reading area to an impromptu theatre from lesson to lesson – you probably… Continue Reading 🢂

Dressing the Part As we’ve been keen to stress before, interactive role play, particularly sessions lead and devised by the students themselves, is a highly important component of children’s early academic careers. We’ve explored the benefits of role play items such as classroom theatres and puppet shows at length, but would like to use this… Continue Reading 🢂

The children have been preparing their individual pieces of work that will be displayed on the noticeboards and presentation display panels around school. Ofsted is due in, or it could be parent’s evening is on the horizon. So it is time to showcase the children’s efforts be it in spelling, drawing, creative writing or art…. Continue Reading 🢂

Industry News January is always a difficult month in school. Teachers and pupils alike are recovering from the festivities of Christmas. The days are bleak and the night’s dark and spring still seems a long way off. For those students in Year 11, it really is the final push towards those important exams in May…. Continue Reading 🢂

Here we are at the start of a brand new year. January is usually a time when we recover from the festivities of Christmas and plan for the year ahead. Resolutions are made and will power is strong as we resolve to be better, try harder and make it the best year yet. But it… Continue Reading 🢂